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Text Storage and Retrieval/Hypertext

Technical Documentation Information System

Genesis Imaging Technologies, Inc.

Technical Documentation Information System software is a modular systemthat automates the creation, indexing, storing, retrieval, and viewing oflarge volumes of technical documentation in text, text and image, or pureimage forms. It is an integration of open architecture components suchas optical scanning for images, optical character recognition, full textsearch/indexing, optical disk storage, and retrieval/viewing. Opensystem attributes enable the system to be easily tailored to the client'sspecific technical and budgetary requirements.Users of the system are prompted to provide search criteria. Based onthe keyword(s) entered, all associated pages are provided to the user. Awide variety of ASCII terminals and PCs can be used for searching andaccessing the system's ASCII information database. If there is a need toview the raster image (bit map) of a page, it will also be sent to theuser's image workstation.Other features allow the user to search for all references that areassociated with or related to a particular subject.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Genesis Imaging Technologies, Inc.
1220 Valley Forge Rd
Valley Forge, PA 19482
Phone: (610) 933-4848
        (800) 836-1823
Fax: (610) 933-6190